What is Can

Horace He

Poslední aktualizace: Prosinec 26, 2023

What is Can

In the lighting industry, the term “Can” refers to a type of light fixture that is commonly known as a recessed light or downlight. These fixtures are designed to be installed in an opening in the ceiling, providing a sleek and seamless appearance. The nickname “Can” comes from the cylindrical, metal housing that resembles a can, into which the light bulb is inserted. This housing is concealed within the ceiling, creating a clean and unobtrusive look.

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Can lights offer versatility in terms of lighting options, as they can accommodate various types of light bulbs. This flexibility allows users to choose between different bulb types, depending on their preferences and needs. It is worth noting that while can lights can be used with regular light bulbs, they may be less energy-efficient compared to LED alternatives.

Can lights can provide focused and directional lighting. They are often used to highlight specific areas or objects in a room, such as artwork or architectural features. Can lights come in different sizes, and there is a wide range of trim styles available, including baffle, lensed, reflector, wall-wash, and adjustable. These trim options allow for further customization and can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the lighting installation.

Možná máte zájem o

  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Zátěžový proud: max. 10 A
  • Automatický režim/režim spánku
  • Časové zpoždění: 90s, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min
  • Režim obsazenosti
  • 100 V ~ 265 V, 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • 1600 čtverečních stop
  • Napětí: DC 12v/24v
  • Režim: Automatický/zapnutý/vypnutý
  • Časové zpoždění: 15s~900s
  • Stmívání: 20%~100%
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 100~265V, 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • Vhodné pro čtvercovou zadní skříňku UK
  • Napětí: DC 12V
  • Délka: 2,5 m/6 m
  • Teplota barev: Teplá/studená bílá
  • Napětí: DC 12V
  • Délka: 2,5 m/6 m
  • Teplota barev: Teplá/chladná bílá
  • Napětí: DC 12V
  • Délka: 2,5 m/6 m
  • Teplota barev: Teplá/chladná bílá
  • Napětí: DC 12V
  • Délka: 2,5 m/6 m
  • Teplota barev: Teplá/studená bílá
rz036 spínač snímače přítomnosti na stropě
  • Režim obsazenosti
  • 12V ~ 24V, 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • 1600 čtverečních stop
  • Napětí: DC 12v/24v
  • Denní/noční režim
  • Časové zpoždění: 15min, 30min, 1h (výchozí), 2h
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 120V 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • Vhodný pro nástěnnou krabici US 1-Gang
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 120V, 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • Vhodný pro nástěnnou krabici US 1-Gang
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 100~265V, 5A
  • Požadovaný neutrální vodič
  • Vhodný pro evropskou kulatou zadní skříň
rz021 us spínač snímače přítomnosti volných míst vpředu
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 120Vac, 5A
  • Vyžaduje horký vodič, zatěžovací vodič
  • Není nutný nulový/zemní vodič
  • Vhodný pro nástěnnou krabici US 1-Gang
rz023 uk spínač snímače přítomnosti volného prostoru vpředu
  • Obsazenost, volno, režim zapnutí/vypnutí
  • 100~265V, 5A
  • Není nutný nulový/zemní vodič
  • Vhodný pro čtvercový box na šaty ve Velké Británii

Často kladené otázky

What Is the Rule for Ceiling Lights

To properly hang ceiling lights, it is recommended to follow the rule of adding 3 inches of height for every foot the ceiling is higher than 9 feet. Additionally, at least 3 inches of chain should be added. Ideally, chandeliers should be hung at a height of 15-21 inches. If the fixture height is shorter, it is acceptable to use more chain.

What Is the Meaning of Can Light

Recessed lights, also referred to as downlights or can lights, are a specific type of lighting fixture that is typically installed into the ceiling or wall. These lights are designed to be flush with the surface, creating a seamless and polished appearance. The housing and electrical wiring components are concealed, giving the impression that the bulb is emitting light from within the opening.

How Does Can Lights Work

It emits light in a downward direction, providing illumination to an entire room without obstructing sightlines or taking up any usable space. Commonly known as can lights, pot lights, or downlights, these fixtures consist of a bulb housed within a circular enclosure (referred to as the “trim”) that typically has a diameter ranging from four to six inches.

Why Are They Called Can Lights

Can lights, also known as recessed lights, derive their name from their cylindrical, metal housings that resemble cans. These lights are installed in openings in the ceiling, creating the illusion of a light bulb being placed inside an empty can and inserted into the hollow space in the ceiling.

Are LED Lights Better Than Can Lights

Whether you are considering recessed lights or canless recessed lights, opting for LED lights is undoubtedly the superior choice. When selecting an LED light, it is important to take into account various options. For instance, if you are looking to install warm lights in areas such as your kitchen, bathroom, or office, it is recommended to go for 3000K bulbs.

Can You Put Regular Light Bulbs in Can Lights

A recessed fixture with a medium screw base lamp holder can accommodate various types of light bulbs, including incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, or LED bulbs. However, it is important to note that there are fixtures with specific lamp holders that can only be used with certain types of bulbs, typically fluorescent or halogen.

Can You Put LED Lights in Recessed Cans

In fact, LED bulbs are commonly used in remodeling recessed lighting due to their ease of installation and energy efficiency. LED bulbs have a longer lifespan compared to other types of light bulbs, so you won’t need to replace them as frequently after switching to LED lights.

What Type of Bulbs Go in Can Lights

Halogen and LED bulbs are the most commonly used bulbs for can lights. LED lighting is particularly beneficial as it helps reduce energy costs and the bulbs remain cool to the touch.

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