What is Angstrom
Angstrom is a unit of length that specifically measures the wavelength of light. The Angstrom unit is defined as 0.1 nanometers, which was established after the redefinition of the meter in spectroscopic terms. In addition to the standard Angstrom unit, there was also a briefly considered auxiliary unit called the Angstrom Star (symbol: Å*). This unit, proposed by J.A. Bearden in 1965, aimed to have a similar size to the standard Angstrom but defined directly in terms of spectroscopy. However, the Angstrom Star was found to be inaccurate and obsolete due to advancements in measuring equipment. It was discovered that its accuracy was closer to 15 parts per million, which did not meet the requirements of the lighting industry. Therefore, in the lighting industry, Angstrom refers to a unit of length used to measure the wavelength of light, specifically defined as 0.1 nanometers.
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