What is Uniformity

Horace He

Poslední aktualizace: Prosinec 26, 2023

What is Uniformity

Uniformity means the evenness or consistency of light distribution in a given area. It is a measure of how well the lighting illuminates a space without significant variations in brightness levels. Achieving uniformity is crucial for visual performance and comfort. Uniformity is often expressed using the Jednotnost (U0) value. This value is calculated by dividing the minimum brightness (Emin) by the average brightness (Eavg) in the bright field. A higher U0 value indicates a higher level of uniformity.

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Various factors influence the uniformity of lighting, including the type of fixture, the number of fixtures, the light angle, and the mounting position. These factors affect how the light is distributed and can impact the overall uniformity of the lighting. Having a high level of uniformity is desirable in working areas, where a U0 value greater than 0.60 is recommended. This level of uniformity ensures that changes in light levels are not easily perceived by individuals, promoting visual comfort. In road lighting, a minimum average uniformity value of 0.35 or 0.4, depending on the road lighting class, is recommended to avoid creating very bright and very dark spots on the road.

Uniformity of lighting can be affected by the failure of any light source in illuminated areas. This can result in a decrease in the minimum lighting value and, consequently, a decrease in the average uniformity value. Regular maintenance should be conducted to address any issues and maintain the required uniformity value.

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