Co je wolframové světlo

Wolframové světlo, známé také jako wolframová žárovka nebo wolframové vlákno, je typ umělého osvětlení, které se běžně používá v různých aplikacích, včetně fotografie.

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What is UL Label

UL label is a certification mark issued by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to indicate that a product, particularly in the lighting industry, has undergone rigorous testing and meets specific safety requirements.

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What is Bias Lighting

Bias lighting, also known as TV backlighting or LED strip lights for TV, is a lighting technique by placing LED lights behind a television or computer monitor to illuminate the area around the display.

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What is Daylight Harvesting

Daylight harvesting is an advanced technique used in sustainable lighting designs for modern buildings. It automatically adjusts the brightness or dims artificial lights in response to the amount of natural light available in a space.

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What is Bi-Pin Base

A bi-pin base refers to a specific type of base used in lamps or bulbs. Unlike the traditional screw-in base, a bi-pin base is characterized by having two pins that are designed to fit into corresponding slots or connectors in the fixture, establishing electrical contact.

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