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Insight from Rayzeek
The latest sensor tech trends.
Small Business Lighting and Maintenance Solutions: Cut Lighting Costs
Are you a small business owner looking to implement some cost-cutting measures? Using smart lighting and maintenance solutions is a great way to save on your electricity costs, as well as increase the energy efficiency of your business.
Should You Install Motion Sensor Lighting for Your Home
Lighting products that offer a motion sensor feature can be ideal in many cases, and there are some advantages, but you may also find some drawbacks as well.
Save More LED Energy with Sensor Technology
LED lights consume far less energy than conventional bulbs. If you are striving for greater energy efficiency, then it is time to start using sensor technology.
DIY Motion Sensor Home Lighting
One of the latest crazes in home lighting is the use of motion sensors. But there’s nothing crazy about this craze.
Preventing Falls on the Stairs
There are many areas of the home that pose dangers or present risks, often depending on your age group. For instance, a child might be at risk when playing around the stove, while an elderly individual is more likely to be at risk when using the stairs.
Benefits of Motion Sensor Lights
Making the decision to install a motion sensor light for your home or business can have many benefits. Aside from providing safety by lighting dark corners and walkways, the motion sensor activation can save you money on energy costs and maintenance.