LED lights consume far less energy than conventional bulbs. If you are striving for greater energy efficiency, then it is time to start using sensor technology.

One of the latest crazes in home lighting is the use of motion sensors. But there’s nothing crazy about this craze.

There are many areas of the home that pose dangers or present risks, often depending on your age group. For instance, a child might be at risk when playing around the stove, while an elderly individual is more likely to be at risk when using the stairs.

Making the decision to install a motion sensor light for your home or business can have many benefits. Aside from providing safety by lighting dark corners and walkways, the motion sensor activation can save you money on energy costs and maintenance.

Motion sensor technology has advanced so much that today you can program your home alarm in a way that your pets won’t activate it, but intruders will.

We’ve mentioned light switches in many articles because they are a very important part of lighting design. If you do everything else right but you select ugly light switches or install them in the wrong places, all your work is wasted.

The front door light or front porch light on most homes is not motion controlled. The light is either on or off, depending on whether someone remembered to flick the switch.

Lighting occupancy sensors are a common lighting solution, frequently employed as an energy-saving and cost-cutting measure in a wide variety of commercial and industrial workspaces.

When considering facility lighting, there are many more factors to take into account than just illuminating your space. Concerns ranging from energy efficiency to productivity should all be taken into account.

When placed correctly, indoor motion sensor lights provide great convenience, function, and savings. The principle is simple – the light motion sensor control is located in a wall switch unit, which is added as a replacement for the normal light wall switch.
