What is Visibility
Visibility is the ability to perceive and discern objects or details within a given environment. It is an important aspect of visual performance, particularly when performing tasks that require accurate visual discrimination. The visibility of an object or detail is influenced by various factors, including the contrast between the object and its background, as well as the presence of other distracting elements.
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In outdoor applications, visibility is often defined in terms of the distance at which an object becomes perceptible to the human eye. On the other hand, indoor applications typically define visibility based on the contrast or size of a standardized test object, observed under standardized viewing conditions. These conditions aim to establish a threshold for visibility that can be applied to the given object.
Achieving good visibility is essential in indoor environments, as it directly impacts job performance. The quality and characteristics of the lighting play a significant role in visibility. Proper lighting design ensures that the critical details necessary for task execution are clearly visible, allowing individuals to perform their tasks with precision and accuracy.
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Selective visibility is a concept commonly employed in lighting compositions, where certain elements are intentionally highlighted while others may be partially obscured. This technique allows for the creation of specific effects and the directed focus of attention.